AL windows and doors


Reynaers Aluminium is a leading European specialist in the development and marketing of innovative and sustainable aluminum solutions for windows, doors, curtain walls, sliding systems, sun screening, and conservatories. Driven by energy efficiency and the willingness to take responsibility for the environment.

cs68 (2)
Reynaers CS 68
  • (Uf) 2,5 W/m²K
  • DB 43(-2;-6) dB

Reynaers CS 77
  • (Uf) 2,1 W/M²K
  • DB 42 (-1; -4) DB

CF 77
Reynaers CF 77
  • (Uf) 2.25 W/M²K
  • DB 45 (-1;-5) DB


  • Uw = 1.4 - 1.9 W/m2K
  • 34 - 42 dB

  • Uf down to 1,26 W/m2.K
  • 34 - 46 dB

  • Uf = 2,04 W/m2.K
  • Rw=41dB


  • Thermo- break opening system 55mm

  • Thermo-break opening system 70mm

Reynaеrs CS 77

Оптимизирана безопасност и комфорт

Concept System® 77 е система за прозорци и врати с висока изолация, която отговаря на повишените изисквания по отношение на топлоизолацията, стабилността и сигурността.

CS 77 се предлага в различни естетически стилове, за да съответства на актуалните тенденции, като същевременно предлага всички видове прозорци и врати отварящи се навътре и навън.

Производителността на системата по отношение на акустиката, водо- и въздухонепроницаемостта, но и за специфични приложения като пожароустойчивост, отговаря на най-строгите европейски стандарти. Освен това CS 77 се предлага в различни нива на устойчивост на взлом (RC2 & RC3), което го прави изключително сигурна система.

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Reynaеrs CF 77

Поканете природата във вашата сграда

Хората непрекъснато търсят начини да увеличат пространството си, както визуално, така и физически. Концепцията Folding® 77 им предлага възможност да оптимизират оползотворяването на стаите си, привличайки външната среда в своите домове.

В допълнение към подобреното оползотворяване на пространството, тази иновативна система предлага предимството на посрещането на достатъчно дневна светлина, както и естетичен дизайн. Тази система с висока производителност предлага различни типове отваряне, както навътре, така и навън, за да отговори на всички възможни изисквания.

Освен стандартните сгъваеми елементи, CF 77 може да включва принцип на основна врата, при който първото крило се използва като входна врата, без да засяга останалите сгъваеми крила.

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Reynaers CS 68

Universal solution

Concept System® 68 is a thermally improved three-chamber system for windows and doors that

boasts the optimum combination of high insulation levels and optimal safety.

The system is available in various aesthetic shapes to match current architectural styles whilst offering all types of both inward and outward opening windows and doors. Double butt strips between the frame and vent and lowered drainage ensure a superior wind and water tightness. Different inner and outer colors are possible.

Reynars CS 77

Optimized safety and comfort

Concept System® 77 is a high insulation window and door system that meets elevated thermal insulation, stability, and security requirements. CS 77 is available in various aesthetic styles to match the current trends whilst offering all types of both inward and outward opening windows and doors.

The system’s performance regarding acoustics, water- and air tightness, and specific applications like fire resistance, meets the most severe European standards. Moreover, CS 77 is available in different burglar resistance levels (RC2 & RC3), making it an extremely secure system.

Reynars CF 77

Invite nature into your building

People are continuously looking for ways to maximize their space, as well as visually, physically. The Concept Folding® 77 offers them the opportunity to optimize the utilization of their rooms, drawing the external environment into their homes. Next to the improved space utilization, this innovative system offers the advantage of loads of daylight coming in and an aesthetical design. This high-performance system offers different opening types, both inward and outward, to meet all possible requirements. Apart from the standard folding elements, CF 77 can feature a main door principle, in which the first leaf is used as an entrance door without affecting the other folding leaves.


ETEM E45 windows

Optimized for maximum structural stability while using minimum aluminum. Profiles are reinforced at the load-bearing points. The comprehensive set of profiles and typologies. Aesthetic options with straight and round design. Possible application of burglar-resistant hardware up to class RC2. Glazing in frame up to 40mm.

ETEM E45 doors

High-quality, adaptable solution for main entrances. Can accommodate glazing thickness up to 47mm. Straight and round design. Wide variety of hardware sets. 


ETEM E75 windows

A heavy-duty windows system with high-end structural and energy conservation performance. A flat design ensures the system caters to modern aesthetic concepts—high performing in even the toughest environmental conditions. Specially designed gaskets and insulators ensure reliability and energy efficiency. Glazing in frame up to 55mm. Possible application of burglar-resistant hardware up to class RC2.

ETEM E75 doors

A heavy-duty, reliable, and secure solution for main entrances, E75 is a flat door system with a straight design. It has the capability to accommodate up to 55mm thickness of glazing, panels, composites, or any flat material, providing a high-end, versatile solution for residential construction.


One of the most developed and best-optimized solutions combines both standard slide and Lift & Slide functionality. With the unique capability for such an elegant solution, E50 can accommodate sash weight up to 400kg, allowing the almost limitless application. Thanks to the carefully engineered “Slide plus Fixed” solution, the E50 ensures maximum natural interior light, as well as reducing construction material costs.

The “one frame all-around” concept ensures fast manufacturing and easy optimization. Maximum 34mm glazing capability, combined with the bearing capacity, allows the application of special laminated, tempered and thick glass to improve security, soundproofing, and weatherproofing.


Opening system 38mm ( 038 )

VIVA Basic 038 is a cold system without a thermal bridge, and it is mainly used for additional structures, such as bathroom doors and partition walls. The system has a building width of 38mm and has profiles for both doors and windows.


Thermo- break opening system 55mm ( TBO55 )

The VIVA TBO 55 is a 55mm wide thermal system with a maximum glazing capability of 42mm. It is suitable for exterior doors and windows with its solid thermal characteristics. The system allows the installation of PVC fittings.


Thermo-break opening system 70mm (TBO70)

The VIVA TBO 70 is a thermal system with a construction width of 70mm, which has a maximum glazing capability of 56mm. It is suitable for exterior doors and windows and glazing high-rise buildings due to its excellent thermal characteristics. The system allows the installation of PVC fittings.

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